The reason I got into animation was because I always felt that a still painting is somewhat boring. Like it would just be so cool to make it move. I was always so excited to come up with ideas as to how I could bring it to life.
Don’t get me wrong. I love painting. Despite having a love-hate relationship with it, it is like my comfort space. It feels nice to paint and zone out, especially since I’ve been doing it for a while so I have my routine and my favourite brushes (which you can grab here). Even if the paintings suck sometimes. It happens, everything can’t be perfect all the time. And it’s okay.
Anyway, back to turning paintings into moving images. Short glimpses of that world you painted. I think there is something so engaging and satisfying to it. Especially when it works.
To do that I use Blender or After Effects. Sometimes even Photoshop. It all depends on the subject. And the whole process can be easy if you don’t go overboard with your planning.
A while ago I made a tutorial for that. For beginners. So if you are interested, take a look. It’s a cool image and cool effect. I really enjoyed making it.
Happy painting! (and animating)
Tori x